N is the set of Natural numbers (positive integers including zero).
Z is the set of Integers numbers (also negative).
Q is the set of Rational numbers (fractionals).
I is the set of Imaginary numbers (a∗i)
R is the set of Real numbers (irrationals, 2,…)
C is the set of Complex numbers (a+b∗i)
∪ is the union operator symbol.
∩ is the intersection operator symbol.
∖ is the union difference symbol.
∈ is the "belongs to set" symbol.
⊂ is the "strict subset of" symbol. (inverted in ⊃)
⊆ is the "subset of or equal" symbol. (inverted in ⊇)
∣A∣ is the "cardinality" of set A, how many elements A is composed of.
∣A×B∣ is the "cartesian product" of sets A and B. It is made of elements (a,b), where a∈A and b∈B, with all possible combinations.
= is the equality symbol.
< (symmetric of >) is the "less than" symbol.
≤ (symmetric of ≥) is the "less than or equal" symbol.
A statement "A" can be only True or False
∨ is logical or
∧ is the logical and
¬A indicates the negation of "A"
∃x(statment) indicates that the "x" present in the statement is a variable that makes the statement True for "at least" a value of x.
∀x(statment) indicates that the "x" present in the statement is a variable that makes the statement True for "all possible" values of x.
A⟺B is a "if and only if", making A and B having the same truth value.
A⟹B is a "A implies B", when A is True, B has to be True as well.
Commutativity: a∘b=b∘a
Associativity: x∘(y∘z)=(x∘y)∘z=x∘y∘z
Identity element e: ∃e∀x(x∘e=e∘x=x)
Zero element e: ∃e∀x(x∘e=e∘x=e)
Distributive: x∘(y□z)=(x∘y)□(x∘z)
Inverse: x∘(y□z)=(x∘y)□(x∘z)
Addition: Commutative, Associative, Identity on 0
Subtraction: Inverse of Addition
Multiplication: Commutatiive, Associative, Identity on 1, Zero element on 0, Distributive over Addition
Division: Inverse of Multiplication, Distributive over Addition (and Subtraction)
aRb is equal to (a,b)∈R, and R is a relation, a subset of the cartesian products of the sets where a and b take their values from. It can also be expressed as R(a,b).
Eq(A) | =(A) | <(A)... are implicitly a relation of type R(A,A), as both elements are from the same set.
Property of relations:
Reflexivity: ∀x∈A,x△x
Irreflexivity: ∀x∈A,¬x△x
Symmetry: ∀x,y∈A,x△y⟹y△x
Asymmetry: ∀x,y∈A,x△y⟹¬(y△x)
Antisymmetry: ∀x,y∈A,(x△y∧y△x)⟹(x=y)
Transitive: ∀x,y,z∈A,(x△y∧y△z)⟹(x△z)
Connected: ∀x,y∈A,(x=y)⟹(x△y∨y△x)
Strongly Connected: ∀x,y∈A,(x△y∨y△x)
Relation of Equivalence has: "Reflexivity, Symmetry, Transitivity".
Partial Order relation:
If weak: "Reflexivity, Antisymmetry, Transitivity"
If strong: "Irreflexivity, Asymmetry, Transitivity"
Addition: (a+bi)+(c+di)=(a+c)+(b+d)i
Multiplication: (a+bi)∗(c+di)=(ac−bd)+(ad+bc)i
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